Indranil Kar Chowdhury

I am a Virtual Assistant

Indranil Kar Chowdhury

Welcome all. I am a freelancer. I am a data entry specialist. I do all sorts of data entry work in MS excel, MS word, PowerPoint, Google spreadsheet or any other platform. I enter data from PDF/Image file to MS excel, Word or Powerpoint as needed by the customer. Besides data entry I also design custom QR Code for any business with Logo. Also generate business leads for customer. Customer satisfaction and accuracy is my motto.

  • Kolkata, India.
  • (548) 800-4193

My Professional Skills

Data entry skill: Entering data from PDF/Image file to MS Excel. Entering data from PDF/Image file to MS word. Entering data from PDF/Image file to MS powerpoint. Entering data from PDF/Image file to Google spreadsheet. PDF to MS excel conversion. Data formatting in MS Excel. Removing Duplicates, seperating fields in MS Excel. QR code generation: Generates Custom and eye catching QR code for any business. The customer can choose their logo and custom colour. Also generates business leads as per niche of the customer.

Typing in MS Word 98%
Custom QR code generation 98%
Data entry in MS Excel/Google Spreadsheet 95%
Lead Generation 90%


I do provide typing from PDF/Image file in MS Word with accuracy and full dedication. Also provide formatting as required.

Data entry in MS Excel/Google spreadsheet

I do provide data entry service in MS Excel or Google Spreadsheet. Service is provided online or offline basis. From any PDF or image file to MS Excel or Google Spreadsheet. Updation of Google spreadsheet is done on contractual basis.Creating tables/Graphs are part of my work , formatting of data , removal of duplicates, seperation of fields in MSe Excel done here.

Custom QR code Generation

Customized QR code with logo is generated. Option to choose your favourite colours is given. Also put your logo in the code. options of unlimited revisions.

Lead Generation

I generate authentic business leads for you according your niche. Full dedication and quality leads will be provided.

Data Scrapping

Data scrapping from yellow page(except UK) or any other website is provided. You have to contact me for custom offer. Drop me a mail at for details.

Why me ?

Quick response. Quality work. Authetic service. Unlimited revisions. 100% Customer satisfaction..

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  • 10 FREE websites to get stock photos for your designs

     10 FREE websites to get stock photos for your designs in 2021

    To make your design look great and stand out in the competition you need to choose high-quality images related to your content. It gives your design a professional look and helps you to present your content in a much interactive way. If you don't have a collection of images of your own for the design, you can search over the internet for images that are FREE, and no attribution required for them to use in your design. You can use them freely in your design very much without getting in any trouble. In this article, I will give a list of 10 such websites which are having a good collection of stock photos for use in any design you make.

    What is a stock photo website?

    Stock photo websites are those from where you can collect & download high-resolution free images without giving any to anybody. These images are royalty-free and you can use them for personal and as well as commercial purposes. 

    If you are in way of designing your webpage or e-book or social media post or any online store you can get related images from these websites as per your requirement and criteria.

    Some sites ask you to sign up to download high-resolution images and they offer FREE accounts from where after sign up you can download high-quality images absolutely for free.


    One of the most used stock photo websites. You can type your category of the image in the search bar that you are looking for. It contains a wide range of images, ranging from high quality to low quality as per your requirement. All the images are under a creative commons license which means you can use them freely without giving any credit to anybody. You can use it on your website, PowerPoint presentation, creating content for social media as per your project requirement.

    Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Pexels license. All the photos are under creative commons license and no attribution or credit is required to be given though it is appreciated. It has thousands of images that you can use in your e-book or pdf design, flyer design, sharing on social media as you need. It is recommended to check the license info before downloading any images. Besides stock photos it has a wide range of high-quality video libraries, excellent ones just have a look and explore. Just like pixabay it also gives you the option of choosing the image size as per your requirement.


    How one can forget to mention this website when it comes to the discussion of free stock photo websites. It is used by YouTubers, social media marketers, online store,s or website designer to give a nice and amazing look to their work. This has different categories to choose from as per your requirement. A community of more than 2 lakh photographers makes this site a favorite choice for content creators. All images are covered under Unsplash License. Similar to other websites of stock photos you can choose the image size while downloading any and one can really sign up for free with Unsplash.

    Stocksnap can be on the top of your list while you are searching over the internet and trying to find some excellent stock photos for use in your designs/work. It has Hundreds of high-resolution images divided into several categories which possibly you can think of on earth. All photos are free to use and every single image is covered under creative commons license cc0. You can have a look at the license page of the website. Categories ranging from Business, beach, wallpaper, Flower, nature, people, food and so many to mention.

    The site depicts its uniqueness by displaying the message " Let's find The perfect photo for you" just above the search bar. One thing that I like most is the site also provides a color palette with any photo. You can download the color palette and use it to match colors in your designs. The license page is well organized with answers to all your queries nicely formatted. The photos are free to use in any project but redistribution is not allowed.

    You can add this website to your list very much for creating a list of websites that offer free stock photos of high resolution. By visiting the gallery section, you can choose the images as per your choice and intent. You can download it without giving any credit to anybody. Just one click download. Besides stock photos, it offers a free video library from where you can download free footage as per your choice.

    You can download great photos with high resolution from here. You can choose whatever size best suits your need another important feature is that you can send photos to PIXLR for required editing. You can read comments on each photo what others are saying about it. Another thing I liked is the description is written in the bold and red color font on top of each photo, attracting and drawing your attention to read about what the photo is all about. Don't forget to check the license section of this website, go through the license terms if it is not violating your desired intent go for downloading any photo from it.

    Reshot has a wide collection of curated free photos for use in your next creative projects. You can choose from categories displayed at the top. Photos can be used for social media posts, educational projects, commercial projects, Editorial projects, and so on. All photos covered under Reshot Stock Photo Free License. Again can be an excellent choice for you.

    If you are looking for excellent photos for the design of your food blog or your cooking Channel on YouTube, you can explore this website and search for photos of your choice. It has an ample collection and photos are covered under the creative commons license. You can get a high-resolution photo at ease.


    Picjumbo is a great platform from where you can download high-resolution stock photos for free. Please check the license page to know more about the license policy. You can use them in your own project.

    Which website are you using to get free stock photos? Comment your answer.

    If you are struggling to get followers on Instagram or want to grow on Instagram with step by step process check out the link for more information 👉 Make money with Instagram.


    What's in the ebook:

    >> Going Viral Strategies

    >> Step by Step Guide from 0 to 100k

    >> Monetization Tactics 

    Grab a copy now to make your Instagram journey a profitable one. 👉 Guide to Instagram.
  • Professional & eye catching YouTube thumbnail design


    Professional and Eye catching Youtube Thumbnail design

    Professional and Eye-catching YouTube Thumbnail Design

    The proper design of YouTube Thumbnails makes your videos stand out in the competition. The thumbnail size is 1280 x 720 pixels with an aspect ratio of 16:9. The file formats can be JPG/JPEG/BMP/PNG/GIF with a file size less than 2 MB.  Choosing a smaller size image is a big mistake. The use of bold fonts with larger size grabs the attention of the viewer.

    Main design Components:

    1. Background

    2. Title Text

    3. Text shadows

    4. Image

    5. Editing of Image if required

    6. Choosing ICONS for better engagement.


    Background colour choice is very important for the thumbnail design. Applying a gradient to the chosen colour creates a beautiful transition and makes the image catchy. Extracting colour from the image could be one option. You can choose your colour combination matching your brand colours or your favourite colours.

    fittness thumbnail for youtube videos

    Title Text

    Your video title plays a very important role in creating curiosity in the mind of the viewer. Proper choice of words related to the subject matter of the video drives the viewer to click the video to see the details. From a design point of view choice of FONT and Colour plays a crucial role aligned with the channel profile or with the background image you choose. 

    Text Shadows

    Shadows create a visual effect and make your thumbnail to stand out in the competition. It can be designed in a number of ways like drop shadow, long shadow etc. and final choice will be based on the text font. Colour of the shadow is another important aspect of the design.


    The image adds essence to the design. It builds a connection with the viewer. The background image when used to contrast and clarity draws the attention of the viewer and drives to check what is inside the video. The image size can be anything but it has to be resized and after colour adjustment, as it is needed will be used in the design. The image of the presenter with a look aligned with the mood of the video creates a sort of engagement with the viewer. From the design point of view, any minor adjustment or editing such as removing background or colour enhancement as needed will be accomplished.   

    Editing of Image (if required)

    A high image resolution always better to use for clarity and creating an impression in the mind of the viewer. Playing with little adjustment in the colour profile, settings will enhance the quality of the image. If any background removal is needed will be accomplished with the tool in the software to fit in the frame of the design. 

    Choosing ICONS for better engagement

    ICONS adds another dimension in the design and empowers it to catch the attention of the viewer. Conveying a message with visuals always easy to understand and information gets processed at a faster pace. ICONS with your brand colours closely resembles and connects with the viewer. It creates an image in the mind of the viewer so that they can easily identify your thumbnail in a pool of documents.

    What I Offer?

    • I design the thumbnails based on your colour and font choice if any.
    • Every design is based on the matching colour profile of your channel to depict a brand identity.
    • In-depth attention is paid in each design before finalising.
    • I will provide a source file in .psd format for each design. 

    What I need?

    • The image file(either in JPEG/PNG/PDF/.psd etc) that you want to include in the design if any.
    • If there are any changes required in the image you supplied, I will make the changes in the same.
    • Your colour and font choice if any.
    • The text items you want to include in the design.

    If you still have any questions feel free to drop a mail at

  • How to use RIGHT function in MS EXCEL | Learn MS Excel | Free courses | Learn online | Excel string functions

    The Excel RIGHT function extracts a given number of characters from the right side of a supplied text string.

    RIGHT (text, [num_chars])


    text - The text from which to extract characters on the right.

    num_chars - [optional] The number of characters to extract, starting on the right. Optional, default = 1.

    It can also be applied on numbers.

    In the example the 2nd argument not mentioned, so extracting only single character from right.

    When supplied with any number more than the number of characters in the given text string, it will return the whole text string.  

    Often RIGHT function used with Left Function to extract first, middle and last name from a name field.
    If you have any questions, write to me at

  • How to use LEN function in MS EXCELLENT | free course on Excel | Learn online | Excel string functions

    The Excel LEN function returns the length of a given text string as the number of characters. 

    It is one the most useful excel string functions, used many times to achieve our objective. 

    LEN will also count characters in numbers.  


    LEN (text)

    text - The text for which to calculate length.

    It is often used with Right and Left function in MS Excel to separate First, Middle, and Last Name from a given name.
    In the example, the LEN function is used to determine the number of characters in a name including spaces.

    The same function also applied on numbers to count how many numbers are there in the field. If spaces or special characters or any text included it will also count them together.  
    Have any questions? Write to
  • How to use COUNTIFS function in MS EXCEL | free course on MS EXCEL | Learn for free | Learning is fun

    The Excel COUNTIFS function returns the count of cells that meet one or more criteria. COUNTIFS can be used with criteria based on dates, numbers, text, and other conditions.

    COUNTIFS (range1, criteria1, [range2], [criteria2], ...)

    range1 - The first range to evaulate.
    criteria1 - The criteria to use on range1.
    range2 - [optional] The second range to evaluate.
    criteria2 - [optional] The criteria to use on range2.
    Let us try to understand with an example.
    Here we have used COUNTIFS function to extract the number of students studying in section "A" with marks in Math >60 and marks in Physics >60
    In this way multiple conditions can be imposed but the length of range in all conditions must be same.

  • How to use MATCH function in MS EXCEL

    MATCH is an Excel function used to locate the position of a lookup value in a row, column, or table. MATCH supports approximate and exact matching. MATCH is often combined with the INDEX function to retrieve a value at a matched position.


    MATCH (lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])

    lookup_value - The value to match in lookup_array.
    lookup_array - A range of cells or an array reference.
    match_type - [optional] 1 = exact or next smallest (default), 0 = exact match, -1 = exact or next largest.

    In the example the MATCH FUNCTION is used to fetch the position of the searched value in the table. Here the 3rd argument is set to "0" for exact match.

    Note here the function is not case sensitive. Also please note that the table contains repeated values. The MATCH function brings out the first occurence of matching.
  • How to use INDEX function in MS EXCEL

    The Excel INDEX function returns the value at a given position in a range.

    INDEX function is often used with the MATCH function.


    INDEX (range, row_num, col_num)


    range - A range of cells.
    row_num - The row position in the range of cells.
    col_num - The column position in the range.

    In the example, the INDEX function is used to fetch the values of row 1 of the table and column no. 1

    Similarly the other row and column values can be fetched by changing the row and column numbers.

    NOTE: The range is taken as absolute reference by putting "$" sign in the range as "$A$62:$C$72" as we are refering the same range again and again.

    So now you know how to use INDEX function in MS EXCELLENT. If you have any questions, feel free to contact at

  • How to use SUMIF function in MS EXCEL

    The Excel SUMIF function returns the sum of cells that meet a single condition. 

    Criteria can be applied to dates, numbers, and text.

    The SUMIF function supports logical operators (>,<,<>,=).


    SUMIF (range, criteria, [sum_range])


    range - The range of cells that you want to apply the criteria against.
    criteria - The criteria used to determine which cells to add.
    sum_range - [optional] The cells to add together.

    The example shows the use of SUMIF in summing up the sales quantities for year >2012.

    The SUMIF function is used again to calculate the total sales quantity as per each category.

    In another example SUMIF function is used on date. We enter the enquiry date and the function calculates the total sale quantities on and after the enquiry date. 

    Now you know how to use SUMIF function. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at

    I will be happy to help you. 👍👍

  • Elegant and eye catching business card design.

    I will generate Unique and Professional Business cards.

    I will design eye-catching and professional business cards for you. It may be one sided /double sided as per your requirement. 

    design of business card professional quality

    professional quality , unique design, eye-catching
    Business card Sample#1 Front

    professional Quality, Unique in design, Eye-catching
    Business card Sample#1 Backside

    professional Quality, Unique in design, Eye-catching
    Business card Sample#2 Backside

    professional Quality, Unique in design, Eye-catching
    Business card Sample#2 Front side

    professional Quality, Unique in design, Eye-catching
    Business card Sample#3

    professional Quality, Unique in design, Eye-catching
    Business card Sample#4

    professional Quality, Unique in design, Eye-catching
    Business card Sample#5 Front side

    professional Quality, Unique in design, Eye-catching
    Business card sample#5 Backside
    Business card Sample#6 Front

    Business card Sample
    Business card Sample#6 Back

    Business card Sample#7 back

    Business card Sample#7 Front

    Business card Sample#8 Front

    Business card Sample#8 back

    Business card Sample#9 Front

    Business card Sample#9 back

    Business card Sample#10 Front

    Business card Sample#10 back

    Business card Sample#11 back

    Business card Sample#11 front

    Business card Sample#12 Front

    Business card Sample#12 back

    Business card Sample#13 front

    Business card Sample#13 back

    Business card Sample#14 back

    Business card Sample#14 front

    Business card Sample#15 front

    Business card Sample#15 back

    If you need one designed for you contact at

    Find me:  

    If you want to discuss in details before placing any order, contact in my fiverr profile.

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    10 FREE websites to get stock photos for your designs

     10 FREE websites to get stock photos for your designs in 2021 To make your design look great and stand out in the competition you need to c...





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